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5 Reasons to Consider a Chemical Peel

Sun damage adds up over the years. It’s not just the time you spent outdoors last year, it’s the accumulation of photoaging going back your entire life. The sun isn’t the only culprit, either. Genetics have a say in how soon your skin loses its youthful appearance, and conditions like acne or rosacea add flaws that break up smooth and even skin tone. 

You can fight back, though. There are perhaps more options now than ever to correct the damage done by the enemies of young and healthy skin. Chemical peels have been battling the signs of aging for decades, a powerful part of the facial rejuvenation toolbox. Schedule a visit to Sheridan Ear, Nose and Throat for an aesthetic consultation to learn more about the right chemical peel for you. Here are five reasons you should consider getting a peel this spring. 

  1.  Customized treatments

Chemical peels aren’t a single treatment, the same for every patient. To start with, you can pick the intensity of the peel. Lunchtime peels are light with little downtime. You can schedule a session over your lunch break and then head back to work, the reason for their name. However, they’re still strong enough to treat fine wrinkles and lines as well as uneven skin coloration.  

  2.  A “chain reaction” of benefits

When the outer layer of your skin is freed from the dulling effects of dead cells trapped by natural skin oils, you’ll recognize instant improvement to your skin’s glow, but that’s just the beginning. Your peel signals to the body that it’s time to reinforce your skin in the treatment area, replacing precious collagen and hyaluronic acid, natural substances that support and nourish from within. 

  3.  Effective acne treatment

Those dead cells and skin oils are often the root of a bigger skin issue — acne. That’s right, chemical peels can effectively clear away some of the causes of acne. Oil and skin cells provide the food for bacteria when they’re trapped in your pores. Aggressive peels can even reduce the depth and appearance of acne scars caused by years-ago outbreaks. 

  4.  The best melasma solution

Skin discoloration results from clumps of pigment in your skin, often accompanying pregnancy or other hormonal events. While laser skin treatments can reduce the appearance of these patches, nothing beats a chemical peel for improving the uniformity of skin tone that’s associated with young and healthy skin. 

  5.  Cancer prevention

While most chemical peels are aesthetic treatments, deep peels are sometimes used for therapeutic reasons. Deep peels create the most dramatic cosmetic improvements, and they can also treat certain precancerous skin conditions, before cancer takes hold. While deep peels have the longest recovery time, they’re a welcome alternative to the intensity of cancer treatments. 

Contact Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat to learn more about the benefits of chemical peels and to find out which one is right for you. You can book your consultation by calling the office at 307-672-0290, or by scheduling online. Spring is the perfect time to start the process of putting your best face forward this summer, so make an appointment today. 

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