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How We can Help You Stop Snoring So You Can Sleep With Your Partner Aga

A spouse complaining about their partner’s snoring may be a common sitcom trope, but in reality, it’s a problem that’s less than humorous. Occasional snoring is normal, but when heavy snoring frequently affects your sleep or your partner’s, you may need to examine the problem in greater depth, for the sake of your health. 

Snoring can also be a symptom of a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that creates other health problems. At Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat, Dr. Scott Bateman and his team offer the advice and treatment you need to restore peace — and healthy sleep — to your bedroom. 

Why am I snoring?

Snoring happens when tissues at the back of the mouth and throat vibrate during sleep, due to a narrowing of the airway at the back of the throat. Studies show that an estimated 45% of women and men snore sporadically, while 25% snore consistently.

Multiple factors can contribute to or worsen snoring. Some can be solved with simple changes to your routine, such as getting more exercise and improving your diet, or sleeping on your side rather than your back. 

In other cases, snoring is an indication of deeper health problems that need your attention. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons for the snoring that has you sleeping single in a double bed.

On-the-back sleeping

When you fall asleep, your tongue relaxes. In most people, this doesn’t cause any problems, but in snorers it can relax too much and obstruct the airway, especially when you sleep on your back. Switching to a side sleep position often clears the problem. 

Excess weight

People who are obese or have excess weight gain are more likely to snore for several reasons. Additional stores of fat tissue in the neck can restrict the airway while lying down. Lowered lung capacity is another compounding factor. High body mass index (BMI) can also increase your risk of sleep apnea, among other health issues.

Nasal congestion

Congestion from an illness or allergies adds to breathing obstructions at night. If a stuffy nose is causing you to snore for longer than it takes to get over a common cold, visit us to make sure it’s not a more serious chronic condition. 

Anatomy considerations

Snoring could be caused or worsened by your unique anatomical features such as a long palate, a long uvula, or a crooked septum. Nasal polyps can also obstruct the airway enough to cause snoring. Any obstruction can speed up the air moving through your nose and mouth, causing loose tissue to vibrate. 

Sleep apnea

When your snoring causes you to briefly stop breathing multiple times at night, it’s known as obstructive sleep apnea. This potentially harmful sleep disorder may cause you to snore, choke, and gasp for breath in your sleep, though you may or may not be aware of it. Affecting 30 million Americans, sleep apnea can increase your risk for major health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

How is snoring treated?

The first step to easing your snoring is through a sleep study. This allows a medical assessment that evaluates your breathing, heart rate, and movements during sleep, and it’s used to diagnose sleep apnea and other nocturnal disorders.

Once the root cause has been identified, we formulate a therapeutic plan based on your needs. Depending on the severity and cause of your snoring, the following treatment options may be prescribed:

Don’t let snoring interfere with your relationship or your health.  Schedule your visit with Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat, by phone or online. We’ve got the expertise to help you — and your partner — get the best sleep of your life.

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