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Revive Winter Skin with a Chemical Peel

With summer’s glow fading from your skin and the harsh reality of dry winter air, you’re likely not mistaken if you feel your skin looks duller than it should. As you get older, your skin loses its resilience, natural moisture, and youthful elasticity. Combine that with exposure to sun, wind, cold temperatures, and chronic dryness and you’ll see lines, wrinkles, sun damage, age spots, and uneven color and tone appear.

Dr. Scott N. Bateman and the team at Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat are facial rejuvenation specialists, and they recommend chemical peels as a way to revive your winter skin. At your initial consultation, they’ll discuss your goals and expectations and recommend the best medical-grade products to meet your needs.

The secrets of skin resurfacing

Chemical peels are a time-tested skin resurfacing treatment that improves the appearance of a wide range of skin flaws, both those due to aging and those from exposure to the elements. Peels are also versatile. They can tackle major skin damage or simply refresh your current look.

While there are other skin resurfacing treatments, chemical peels are reliable and predictable, and when you combine that with the ability to choose products that match your skin’s needs, peels are both effective and affordable.

Chemical peel depths

Peels are rated by how deep they penetrate into your skin. Generally, the strength of a chemical peel equates to its depth, with recovery time also increasing with deeper treatments.

Shallow peels

As a gentle skin reviver, you can’t beat a shallow chemical peel. It improves the look of fine lines, cleans up light acne, and evens out minor variations in color or tone. Working only on the outermost layers of your skin, a shallow peel refreshes your skin by exfoliating dead skin cells. You’ll also recover quickly from a shallow chemical peel treatment — how quickly depends on the product and its application. Shallow chemical peels are typically part of an ongoing aesthetics plan, and you probably will have a series of treatments two to five weeks apart for best results.

Medium peels

A more aggressive peel means deeper penetration and more dramatic results. Medium peels extend into your middle skin layer, where collagen and elastin reside. This layer, the dermis, is the storage point for moisture and nutrients used by the epidermis, or outer layer. Since the chemical formulation soaks down through your skin, you’ll see similar surface benefits as with shallow peels, but the deeper action means your results will be more intense. Medium chemical peels can be repeated after three to nine months.

Deep peels

Reaching down into the lowest layer of your skin, deep chemical peels produce the strongest effects. Deep wrinkles, scar tissue, and heavy pigmentation problems can show big improvements, and Dr. Bateman may even recommend a deep chemical peel if your skin shows signs of precancerous growths. Deep peels are usually only done only once, and recovery could take as long as two weeks as your skin regenerates.

The best solution for you will come from your consultation with Dr. Bateman and his team. Call the office at 307-672-0290 or use the online tool to book your appointment today. 

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