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Which ENT Issues Can I Have Treated with Telemedicine?

Which ENT Issues Can I Have Treated with Telemedicine?

The sparse population density of Wyoming means that doctors and patients are often separated by many miles. Even when you do have a local primary care physician, specialists might be across the state. 

That’s why, at Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat, we’ve embraced telemedicine as a key part of our practice. The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated that contemporary medical video conferencing can keep ear, nose, and throat (ENT) practitioners safe when treating patients with infectious respiratory diseases, providing another good reason to encourage the use of telemedicine for ENT practices. 

Is an office visit necessary?  

You can save time and inconvenience using telemedicine to help determine if further, in-office treatment is necessary. In fact, that’s the way Dr. Scott Bateman often uses video consultations. 

Reviewing medical history and your active symptoms comprises much of a typical ENT appointment. Sometimes, all that’s needed in addition to these steps is a simple visual observation. That can be done through a video call, though in some cases, Dr. Bateman may need to use a scope to examine inside your ears, nose, or throat to make a positive identification. 

Telemedicine can therefore determine whether an illness warrants a trip to our office, or if it’s something that will resolve on its own. You may save yourself time away from work and other duties with the confidence of having a qualified medical opinion. 

Which ENT issues can I have treated with telemedicine?

Used as a screening tool, telemedicine opens up a range of ENT issues for virtual treatment. Some common illnesses that can be treated through telemedicine include: 

Chronic ear infections

This is a common issue for children, and some adults have a history of repeated infections. When we’ve seen you about ear infections before, a telemedicine call may be enough to start you on antibiotics. If symptoms are different or worse than usual, it may be time to consider further treatment, in which case we can schedule an in-person exam. 

Strep throat and tonsillitis

When it comes to throat conditions, telemedicine shines. Once again, medical history and symptom review, standard for virtually any medical exam, have no limitations in video call format. Photos or video imagery of your throat is often all Dr. Bateman needs to confirm the nature of your illness. 

Respiratory infections

While there’s not much you can do to alter the course of a cold or the flu, Dr. Bateman can help you determine when symptoms may need management and if you or a family member are at risk of complications. Influenza and COVID-19 can be serious illnesses that sometimes require hospitalization. Telemedicine also reduces the chance of exposing others to these illnesses. 

You can schedule in-person or telemedicine appointments by calling our office or by using our online booking links. Contact Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat as soon as you recognize a potential ENT illness.

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