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Blog Archive

What to Expect from Your First Filler Treatment Jul 22nd, 2024

In terms of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, dermal filler injections are second only to neuromodulator products like Botox®, accounting for close to 5 million procedures annually in the United States, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).    Dermal fillers work differently than neuromodulators, which change the way expression...

What to Do About a Deviated Septum Jun 19th, 2024

While the term “deviated septum” might conjure up images of a serious physical condition for those encountering it for the first time, the fact is, it’s a typically minor deformity that most of us have to a certain extent — over 80% of people have some degree of deviated nasal...

5 Common Causes of a Sore Throat May 10th, 2024

You’re likely familiar with the uncomfortable, scratchy, dry sensation that warns a sore throat is on its way. While the occasional sore throat is nothing to worry about, recurrent or persistent throat pain may be a sign of something more serious.  At Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat, otolaryngologist Scott Bateman,...

Why Does Earwax Build Up After Age 60? Apr 4th, 2024

If it seems as though you’re getting more earwax build-ups as you get older, it’s probably not your imagination. Cerumen blockages affect about 5% of American adults, but that number soars to 57% for residents in nursing homes. There’s a definite connection between earwax blockages and age.  Excess earwax can...

5 Signs You Could Benefit from a Hearing Aid Mar 1st, 2024

It’s a noisy world out there, and that’s reflected in the 13% of Americans who have some level of difficulty hearing, even when fitted with hearing aids, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Exposure to noise is a common cause of hearing loss, and in most...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

4 Reasons to Consider a Chemical Peel Feb 8th, 2024

For facial rejuvenation, chemical peels improve the tone and texture of your skin in a single session. Peels don’t require invasive surgery or injections, while offering fast recovery times. Dr. Scott N. Bateman at Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat offers a variety of cosmetic services to patients as well as...

Tonsillitis vs. Strep Throat: How Are They Different? Jan 16th, 2024

Coming down with a sore throat during cold and flu season isn't surprising. However, if you notice your throat is swollen and painful without the other respiratory symptoms that come along with a cold, it’s likely either strep throat or tonsillitis.  The symptoms may be similar, but strep throat and...

How We can Help You Stop Snoring So You Can Sleep With Your Partner Aga Dec 5th, 2023

A spouse complaining about their partner’s snoring may be a common sitcom trope, but in reality, it’s a problem that’s less than humorous. Occasional snoring is normal, but when heavy snoring frequently affects your sleep or your partner’s, you may need to examine the problem in greater depth, for the...

Which ENT Issues Can I Have Treated with Telemedicine? Nov 2nd, 2023

The sparse population density of Wyoming means that doctors and patients are often separated by many miles. Even when you do have a local primary care physician, specialists might be across the state.  That’s why, at Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat, we’ve embraced telemedicine as a key part of our...

The Link Between Acid Reflux and a Chronic Sore Throat Oct 2nd, 2023

Sore throats happen for a wide range of reasons, including cold and flu viruses, strep throat, and exposure to airborne irritants like cigarette smoke. A less common reason for throat irritation may surprise you. It’s a side effect of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). You might know it better as acid...

7 Telltale Signs that You Have an Allergy Sep 1st, 2023

Allergies happen when your immune system works overtime, creating antibodies for substances that aren’t normally harmful. While some allergies are serious and even fatal without treatment, most are seasonal nuisances that produce predictable symptoms. At Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat, we specialize in allergy testing and diagnosis. Many of the symptoms of seasonal...

How Botox® and Fillers Can Make You Look Younger Aug 1st, 2023

Perhaps there was a time in school when you wished you were older, to enjoy the freedom and privileges of those in the senior classes. But when the first lines and wrinkles begin to appear on your face, you might look back on your school desires with envy.  Today, though,...

Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous to My Health? Jul 10th, 2023

Morning headaches, waking with a dry mouth, and sleepiness throughout the day are just three signs that you may have sleep apnea. During sleep, tissue in your throat collapses and blocks your airway, forcing your brain to wake you slightly so that you resume breathing. It can happen many times during...

My Child Gets Earaches Easily: Can You Help? Jun 1st, 2023

Ear infections are all too often a common part of growing up. With developing immune systems, close exposure to school and play friends, and juvenile anatomies, conditions exist that support infections of the middle ear, medically called otitis media.  Earaches are a sign of infection, and some children develop these more...

What Does Allergy Testing Involve? May 3rd, 2023

Allergies, in any form, are inconvenient, sometimes to the point of interfering with daily life. Since they stem from your immune system overreacting to otherwise harmless substances, reactions can be complex and disruptive. Serious allergies that can cause anaphylactic shock are potentially deadly, so understanding your own sensitivities can be crucial.  As...

How to Know if You Have Sleep Apnea Apr 3rd, 2023

There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep, yet some days the morning hits with nothing like good sleep behind it, even when your alarm clock says it’s been eight hours. While everyone has the occasional off night, you might be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).  OSA is a condition where...

My Child Can't Breathe out of Their Nose: Can You Help? Mar 9th, 2023

Nasal obstructions aren’t unusual throughout childhood following minor respiratory infections or seasonal allergies. However, some children endure so much congestion that they begin to breathe through their mouths by habit.  If that describes your child, it’s time to visit the pediatric otolaryngology specialists at Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat. There’s...

I Seem to Be Allergic to Everything: Is Immunotherapy My Best Option? Feb 12th, 2023

Some people display allergies as a few light sniffles during the high pollen days of the spring. Others suffer miserably through the same period, and they may be sensitive to a wide range of pathogens like mold, pet dander, other seasonal pollens, and insect bites and stings.  Allergies result from a...

Ready to Start Your Year with a Fresh Look? Begin with Facial Rejuvenation Jan 20th, 2023

There’s no getting around the processes that take a toll on your skin. Even when you’re blessed with excellent genetics, there comes a time when exposure to the elements and slowing hormone production combine to drain your skin of natural hydration and elasticity.  You can turn to Sheridan Ear, Nose...

Helping Your Child After a Tonsillectomy Dec 7th, 2022

Once a common procedure done after a few rounds of tonsillitis, doctors more clearly recognize the role of the tonsils as a “first stage” of the immune system. Tonsillectomies occur less frequently now, reserved for cases where frequent infections occur or other treatments prove ineffective.  It takes up to 14 days for your...

Lesser-Known Benefits of Hearing Aids Nov 2nd, 2022

Speak with a person who recently got hearing aids for the first time, and they may tell you about the sounds that are restored, things they might not have known they were missing. Whether it’s crickets chirping or birds singing, there’s usually a touchstone to the time when they heard...

Tips for Surviving Laryngitis Oct 7th, 2022

Your voice originates with two folds of muscle and cartilage covered with mucous membrane — the vocal cords. Controlled vibrations of these cords form the fundamental sounds your throat and mouth shape into words.  When the vocal cords become inflamed, most often by a viral infection, the sound and strength...

Why Does My Child Keep Getting Ear Infections? Sep 6th, 2022

Middle ear infections are a common childhood illness, particularly for kids between the ages of two and four. These infections may follow respiratory illnesses such as colds. While people of any age can develop ear infections, there are conditions in your child’s body that contribute to both the development of infection...

What to Do About Voice Loss After 60 Aug 1st, 2022

Your voice can, like many other systems in the body, tire after overuse. As you get older, vocal endurance may not be as robust as it was earlier in life. You could regularly suffer voice loss by the time you reach 60.  It’s not, however, inevitable, and you can take steps to...

4 Nonsurgical Treatments for a Smoother Complexion Jul 1st, 2022

It may not be your first thought to head to an otolaryngologist for medical aesthetics, but Dr. Scott Bateman and the team at Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat proudly offer a range of cosmetic procedures for their patients, believing that good health and great appearance go hand in hand.  As facial rejuvenation specialists, Dr. Bateman...

Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Lasting Earache Jun 1st, 2022

Until ear pain hits you, it’s likely you thought of earaches as a children’s problem, associated with the frequent infections so many children suffer because of their developing anatomy. Adults get earaches too, but infections are one of many causes. Chances are good it’s not the reason behind your ear...

What to Expect from Your First Telemedicine Appointment May 1st, 2022

It’s been quite some time since health care meant a house call from your family doctor, yet thanks to technology, those days may be returning. Now known as telehealth or telemedicine, the house call of the 21st century is virtual, using computers, smartphones, and tablets.  Behind the simple concept of...

Acid Reflux and Its Impact on Your Throat Apr 1st, 2022

Occasional heartburn is common, and virtually everyone experiences it at some point in their lives. For some people, however, it’s a more chronic problem, particularly when both esophageal sphincters fail, allowing stomach acids to affect your voice box.  When acid reflux starts to affect your larynx and pharynx, or when...

Adjusting to Life with Hearing Aids Mar 1st, 2022

Over 35 million American adults report they have some level of hearing loss. Millions of others may have hearing loss of which they’re unaware; the most common causes are gradual and hard to notice, since your brain is always adapting.  Hearing aids can bring a lost world of sound back...

Sleep Disorders that Are Common in Seniors Feb 1st, 2022

Sometimes, the biggest issue with sleep isn’t achieving it as much as maintaining it, particularly if you’re approaching your senior years. Increasingly, you may find that sleep disorders become their own problem when you’re older, rather than only symptoms of other causes.  Sheridan Ear, Nose and Throat is your go-to...

ENT Problems that Get Worse in the Winter Jan 1st, 2022

Winter is often referred to as “cold and flu season,” and with good reason. Respiratory infections seem to favor the colder months, even though you may be exposed to viruses and other pathogens throughout the year.  ENT practices like Sheridan Ear, Nose & Throat typically get busy as the weather...

Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore Snoring Dec 1st, 2021

Snoring can be an annoyance, often more for the partners than the snorers themselves. However, snoring is a symptom of a potentially dangerous condition called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).  Don’t ignore snoring when it’s frequent, loud, and accompanied by gasps and observable breathing stoppages, classic signs of OSA. Visit Dr....

Who's at Risk for Head and Neck Cancer? Nov 2nd, 2021

Accounting for about 5% of all cancers, head and neck cancers are low in the top-ten of all diagnosed cases. These are also some of the most preventable cancers, frequently due to lifestyle choices. Risk factors for these cancers are generally easy to identify.  Whenever you notice changes to your...

Your Treatment Options for a Deviated Septum Oct 6th, 2021

As many as 80% of Americans have some detectable level of septum deviation. The cartilage divider between your nostrils would ideally sit perfectly in the middle of your nose, but that’s not common.  The minor variances typically cause most people no issues. When your deviated septum is more severe, however,...

What Happens During Allergy Testing? Sep 6th, 2021

Allergies happen when your immune system reacts to substances that aren’t usually harmful. These reactions can range from mild sniffles and sneezing to life-threatening anaphylactic shock. The more information you have about these substances — called allergens — the easier it is to avoid or cope with them.  Allergy tests...

Do I Need Professional Earwax Removal? Aug 9th, 2021

Earwax is an essential part of your body’s natural defenses. It traps dirt and neutralizes bacteria, keeping your ear canal clean and clear. Too little earwax could lead to infections, while too much can plug your ears, reducing your hearing and causing pain from pressure in delicate locations.  Reaching for...

5 Signs You May Need a Hearing Aid Jul 7th, 2021

About 15% of adults in the United States have some level of hearing loss, and fully three-quarters of them could benefit from wearing hearing aids. However, many people are unaware they have hearing loss, while some feel a stigma about using assistive devices to hear. It’s understandable, since one of...

Why Is My Voice Hoarse? Jun 16th, 2021

Few people completely avoid periods with a hoarse voice. It’s a common symptom of respiratory conditions like colds and flu. Your voice can be weak, gravelly, or raspy, and your throat can also feel scratchy, sore, and dry.  Inflammation of the larynx — also known as the voice box —...

5 Reasons to Consider a Chemical Peel May 7th, 2021

Sun damage adds up over the years. It’s not just the time you spent outdoors last year, it’s the accumulation of photoaging going back your entire life. The sun isn’t the only culprit, either. Genetics have a say in how soon your skin loses its youthful appearance, and conditions like...

What Causes Chronic Sinusitis? Apr 5th, 2021

When you’ve got the common cold, the symptoms that make you miserable are due to a condition called sinusitis, when the lining of your sinuses becomes inflamed and works less efficiently at clearing mucus overproduction resulting from the virus. You may feel pain from sinus pressure along with breathing difficulty,...

Common Otolaryngology Issues for Seniors Mar 7th, 2021

While everyone ages in slightly different ways, there are common health issues that occur frequently. Conditions affecting the ears, nose, and throat (ENT) are often the result of wear-and-tear and cumulative exposure over the course of your life.  Included here are some of the most common otolaryngology complaints affecting seniors....

Complications of Sleep Apnea Feb 8th, 2021

Obstructive sleep apnea is more than a disturbing nuisance. Since it prevents the sufferer from getting uninterrupted periods of deep sleep, it starts a cascade of health-impacting responses that contribute to some of the most serious chronic conditions people face, such as fatigue, diabetes, and heart disease.  Snoring is a...

Signs of Strep Throat Jan 6th, 2021

While it’s more common in children, strep throat can strike people of any age, most often in the winter or spring. And while most sore throats are due to viruses, strep throat is caused by and gets its name from group A Streptococcus bacteria. Though medically it’s considered a mild...

Reasons Why Your Child Is Breathing through Their Mouths Dec 15th, 2020

Mouth breathing is often a necessity, particularly when a respiratory infection closes your nasal passages with drainage. However, it’s not efficient, nor does it extend the benefits of filtration the way that nose breathing does. Still, should you be concerned when you notice your child frequently breathes through their mouth? ...

Why You Should Never Ignore Ear Pain Nov 12th, 2020

Ear infections are often associated with childhood. Over 80% of children have at least one ear infection by the age of three. Despite this, people of any age can suffer from ear infections, a leading cause of ear pain.  As an adult, your ear pain probably isn’t due to infection....

When Does Your Acid Reflux Need Medical Attention? Oct 6th, 2020

About one in five adults experiences chronic acid reflux, a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). But this could be a low estimate since many treat their symptoms with over-the-counter medications, and it may never occur to them to talk to a doctor if they feel they have the condition...

Is it Snoring or Sleep Apnea? Sep 8th, 2020

The American Sleep Association estimates that about half of the US adult population snores. This quirk of sleeping ranges from amusing through distracting to outright disturbance, and for as many as 10% of those snorers, it may signal a potentially life-threatening condition. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder...

The Difference Between Botox® and Dermal Fillers Aug 21st, 2020

You may not think of an ear, nose, and throat practice as your first destination for Botox® Cosmetic treatments, but Botox was first developed as a therapeutic medicine. It was only later that its aesthetic applications emerged. In fact, it’s commonly used to treat many disorders where involuntary muscle spasms...

What Causes Hearing Loss? Jul 23rd, 2020

About 13% of the American population has some level of hearing loss in both ears. An equal number of people could benefit from having hearing aids to help compensate for these losses. There are many different reasons you can lose your hearing, and sometimes the reason isn’t known, but the...

The Importance of Allergy Testing Jun 18th, 2020

Any time your body’s immune system overreacts to an otherwise harmless substance, you’re having an allergic reaction. These substances may be organic particles in the air such as pollen or dust, or pollutants like smoke or chemicals. You can also suffer allergies to insect bites, foods, or substances that contact...

The Benefits of Telemedicine during COVID-19 May 5th, 2020

As we move into May 2020, COVID-19 continues its domination of the news headlines. At the time of writing, cases of the viral infection topped 1.1 million in the US, and nearly 70,000 Americans lost their lives because of it. As with other viral infections such as influenza, the best...

How Effective is Balloon Sinus Dilation in Remedying Chronic Sinusitis? Mar 16th, 2020

Most people likely only give their sinuses thought when they’re congested, typically during a respiratory infection or when allergy season arrives. Headaches, runny nose, and breathing problems take hold for a few weeks, then life returns to normal. For an unlucky few, though, chronic sinus issues last for months. Congestion...

Revive Winter Skin with a Chemical Peel Feb 18th, 2020

With summer’s glow fading from your skin and the harsh reality of dry winter air, you’re likely not mistaken if you feel your skin looks duller than it should. As you get older, your skin loses its resilience, natural moisture, and youthful elasticity. Combine that with exposure to sun, wind,...

Removing Tonsils and Adenoids: Is it Right for Your Child? Jan 2nd, 2020

Removing tonsils and adenoids was once virtually a childhood ritual. Thought to be a problem when they were frequently inflamed, these tissues are now seen as an important part of your child’s immune system.  While it used to be thought that tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies would end chronic earaches and breathing...

Why BOTOX® Remains the Leading Nonsurgical Solution to Crow's Feet and Frown Lines Dec 3rd, 2019

The years take a toll on your skin. Repeated facial expressions — from squinting to raising your eyebrows  — can crease your skin, leaving permanent lines and wrinkles over time. Everyone faces these signs of aging, but not everyone is willing to accept them.  That’s where BOTOX® comes in. Over...

Learn How Shot-Free Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) Remedies Allergies Nov 17th, 2019

If you suffer from allergies, you’re not alone. More than 50 million people in the United States battle seasonal or year-long allergies.  In the past, allergy shots were the most effective way to fight allergies. Today, however, sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is an innovative way to treat allergies without needles. Immunotherapy...